The PGA’s revamped student intake campaign – #PGADraft2023 – is seeking the next generation of PGA Members, and there is still time to apply to join the October 2023 intake.
If you have ever considered a career in golf, whether it be as a traditional club professional, coach or perhaps golf operations or management, now is the time to apply to join The PGA Training Programme.
The deadline for applications to start the course for the 2023/24 academic year is 31st August, 2023.
#PGADraft2023 showcases the many career opportunities for people who graduate with a PGA qualification.
As well as inspiring stories from graduates who have gone on to work in a wide variety of roles within the golf industry, the campaign speaks to current students and staff members who deliver the programme.
A revamped website is packed full of insightful case studies, information about the courses and inspirational stories from current PGA Members working in a variety of roles across the industry. A brochure is also available which outlines everything potential students and their parents need to know about the routes into PGA Membership for the 2023/24 academic year.
“We have got the best education programme not just in golf globally, but in sport globally,” said Dr Paul Wiseman, PGA Executive Director – Education. “This programme is completely unique; there is no other programme around like this that demands so many different skills and knowledge.
“One of the most exciting things about The PGA Training Programme is the universality of it. We’ve got trainees from tens of different countries globally. When our trainees come on the residentials, they’re mixing with people who work in the golf industry across the world where the PGA trademark is alive.”
Wiseman was in attendance at this year’s PGA Graduation Ceremony back in May, where more than 200 graduates were officially welcomed into PGA Membership at the University of Birmingham.
He continued: “We have one training programme, but they must do two coaching qualifications, they come to us for three residentials, they do 12 academic modules of 20 credits each, which account for 200 learning hours each, that constitutes a minimum of 24 assessments, 21 professional rounds of golf, and they’ve got to work a minimum of 30 hours a week.
“All of those things come together on PGA Graduation Day at the wonderful University of Birmingham where we celebrate their achievement. For someone who has worked in education for a long time, well over 30 years, this is a training programme like no other and it’s certainly the most challenging.”
Stella McClure (Falkirk Golf Club), graduated as The PGA’s Trainee of the Year for 2023. She is a qualified doctor and spent a number of years in the profession before joining The PGA Training Programme at the age of 51 to follow her passion for golf.
“In achieving the 2023 PGA Trainee of the Year Award, I have to say it’s probably been my toughest challenge I’ve taken on in my life,” said Stella. “Maybe that’s partly because I’m 54 now but I think it was also the modules that we undertook were really demanding and the assessment standards were really high, so I feel I really deserve this award.
“I enjoyed all of the modules and I didn’t expect to enjoy them all as much as I did, especially the business part of the course, but I appreciated the business aspect of the course because I need to know about this in order to develop my coaching business.
“I also appreciate how important a knowledge of equipment technology is to a golf coach. I have a background in medicine, so I really do love the anatomy and physiology side of things. All of that is important to providing the right kind of coaching for each client.”
Lee Cardy, the 2022 PGA Trainee of the Year, had originally started a business degree but opted to pursue a career in golf with The PGA. The Woodhall Spa Golf Club pro said: “For me it wasn’t a hard decision. You work for a long time and I wanted to enjoy my 40/50 years of work. I felt I had to justify it to people around me because it did look like a step down, but I think quite quickly they realised I’m in a better environment for myself.
“I loved that you studied the PGA Training Programme working within the industry. With the 30 pro shop hours per week, it was great to get stuck in with re-gripping and I think becoming a better communicator as well in that you need to be able to communicate to hundreds of members – that stands me in good stead for coaching now.
“I feel I can communicate well now and hold conversations with people of different abilities, ages and gender. The course was a really well-rounded experience and I like that you can study around the duties at the golf club at work, it was quite flexible as to when you wanted to fit it in.”
Simon Hubbard, a PGA Professional and Head of The PGA Training Programme, added: “The opportunities once people come through the programme and become a PGA Member are huge and the variety is enormous.
“Some of the roles that our graduates have gone on to once they become a PGA Member could include the typical roles you would expect of being a club professional or coach. But we have people go into club management, we have people who become tournament referees, we have people who work at some of the major brands, perhaps on the custom fitting side of things, so the variety and the opportunities that are available for graduates is huge.”
The PGA offers three routes into Membership: a Foundation Degree in Golf Studies, a Diploma in Higher Education Golf Studies, and a BSc in Applied Golf Management Studies (AGMS).
The deadline for applications to start the course for the 2023/24 academic year is 31st August, 2023.
CLICK HERE to download a current brochure which explains all you need to know about the course and how to apply for the 2023/24 academic year.
CLICK HERE to find out more about #PGADraft2023